Clean sound starts with a clean horn.


Welcome to Brass Mavens.

Hi, I’m Charles Hargett, and my company is Brass Mavens. I offer professional brasswind cleaning, repairs, and many other brasswind services. My specialty is the high brass: trumpets, cornets and flugelhorns, though I welcome inquiries on other brass instruments and subassemblies. Trombones and French horns too! Services include ultrasonic and safe chemical cleaning, dents and other repairs, water key maintenance and repair (including Amado waterkeys), and cork replacement with either synthetic or hand-cut cork; expert repairs, and more. Read on!

Brass Mavens has tooled up to provide a professional trombone handslide tune-up service, which includes full inspection, expert slide cleaning, polishing, adjustment (if necessary), water key maintenance and custom-cut replacement slide bumper corks. Put the glide back in your slide.

INSTITUTIONAL MUSIC SERVICES: Brass Mavens will clean and service your school brass - marching, concert and more - including pick up & delivery, and secure summer storage (subject to available capacity).

CERTIFIED APPRAISALS - Get a professional certified appraisal on your entire arsenal for insurance / replacement purposes; or help you identify that family heirloom in preparation for sale or donation. Appraisals are available for one instrument to an entire collection. Certified appraisals will include research, photos, an outline of our methodology; and will be provided as a pdf document. USPAP compliant. Verbal appraisals often available at no charge.

Services are provided by appointment: We can set up a while-you-wait appointment but most prefer to schedule a drop off, and return later.

While you're visiting the shop, we can talk brass, share tips, discuss brass history and lore. It is a dog-friendly hang, there’s a growing library of brass reference books, and retail products available.

Hope to see you here!


Rent an instrument in minutes!

Want to learn a new instrument, or help your young music student get a head start on the Fall Semester? Check out our Rent My Instrument service for fast, flexible instrument rental options.


Schedule an Appointment

Choose a service type, then schedule a visit, or pick a drop-off time convenient for you!

About Charles

a love for brass

I’m a life-long trumpet player with a passion not just for the music, but the whole process of creating and maintaining the instruments that help make that music great. My background now includes more than two decades of experience with industry leaders such as Kanstul Musical Instruments and SE Shires (Eastman Music Co), as well as with impressive newcomer BAC - Best American Craftsmen. At Kanstul, I was often involved in the design and manufacturing end of the process, and was responsible for the introduction of several new trumpet models. Having been around the industry for so long, and working with legendary craftsmen, I have a deep interest in the history of American brassmaking.

 On the Bench this week:

  • 1878 Besson Brevetée Cornet

  • 1932 F.E. Olds & Son Military Model